New stallholders joining us at the Market – April 2013
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New stallholders joining us at the Market – April 2013

This month we would like to warmly welcome new stallholder – Crafted. Natalie Hare is the mastermind behind the vegan and gluten free cupcakes and treats now on offer at the Market. Not only is she an extremely talented cook, with a knack for nailing the science behind the baking, she’s also extremely dedicated, having honed the rare skill of being able to make delicious vegan, egg free and gelatin free meringues, macarons and marshmallows.

Natalie’s interest in gluten free and vegan foods began with a love of baking and was sparked by various friends and family who were either vegan, diabetic or suffering from food intolerances of some kind.  Natalie’s favourite product is her Snickers cupcake. A rich dark chocolate cake with a belly full of soft caramel fudge, topped with a smooth “oh so peanut buttery” butter cream, lashings of chocolate sauce and a sprinkle of freshly roasted peanuts – yum.

All of her products are perfect for people with intolerances to lactose, dairy, eggs, animal proteins and animal fats and people who just love delicious baked goods. They’re also suitable for people following religious dietary guidelines, being both Halal and Kosher. The products have reduced amounts of sugar and are trans fat and cholesterol free. Thank you Natalie for turning naughty treats into not-so-naughty delights we can all enjoy!