Out with the old, in with the new

Out with the old, in with the new

We’re pleased to announce that we now have a brand new website. All the old favourites are here, but we’ve now made it even easier to find your preferred stallholders.

The home page includes rotating featured stallholders, and you can also browse stallholders by category, making it easier to find your favourite fruit, vegetables, baked goods and so on. Check out the new tips for shoppers, new and improved stallholder directory and find out how we got to be the Market we are today with our story. We also think you’ll find the new events calendar useful to see at a glance when special events or planned closures are happening throughout the year.

The website was created by our friends at Threesides Marketing and we’re thrilled with the result. Take some time to have a browse around and we’re sure you will be too.