Narooma Seafood doing their bit for the fishing industry
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Narooma Seafood doing their bit for the fishing industry

Capital Region Farmers Market Stallholder - Narooma SeafoodAt the Market you meet the stallholders and talk about the products you want to buy, where they come from, how they are bred, caught or produced. Interestingly the stallholders you meet are doing so much more than just attending the Market. Take for instance the Abbotts from Narooma Seafood Direct.

They are currently involved in assisting with scientific research on the Striped Marlin. These fish are highly migratory pelagic fish found in the warmers waters of the Pacific Ocean, and they breed off the islands of Hawaii and then travel down to Australia and New Zealand. They are also one of the fastest growing fish in the ocean with a life span of only six years, and fishing quotas are quite controlled to ensure sustainability.

Narooma Seafood has been involved with the recent research conducted by the Charles Stuart University on the growth & lifespan of the Striped Marlin. This involved taking scientists with them on their south coast fishing trips, as well as collecting growth bones located at the back of the marlins’ head, measuring & weighing each marlin caught. John Abbott of Narooma Seafood also represents the fishing industry as part of the Resource Assessment Group which meets on a regular basis to advise the Australian Fisheries Management Authority on fishery objectives, strategies, reference points, risk profiles, including fish stocks & environmental impacts, and management arrangements for achieving fishery-specific goals. All good work for ensuring sustainable fishing into the future.

Narooma Seafood sell a great range of fresh fish at the Market each week including Yellowfin Tuna, Southern Bluefin Tuna, Striped Marlin, Flathead, Mako Shark (Flake), Yellowtail King Fish, Snapper and Southern Calamari.