We’re launching our very own Market cookbook

We’re launching our very own Market cookbook

Capital Region Farmers Market Stallholder - CookbookYou’d have to be living under a rock not to know that this year our Market celebrated its tenth birthday.It’s been a big year of celebrations for us, and to add to them we’re just about to launch our very own cook book.

Another fabulous project by our founders, the Rotary Club of Hall, our cook book has been a long time in the making and will be jam packed with recipes and food ideas from many of our most loved stallholders. You can learn about the Market’s history, discover more about the forchefs project and then of course salivate over and create a good selection of recipes including starters, soups, salads, sides, mains, cakes, biscuits, desserts and more.

We’ll be launching the book on Saturday 1 November (just in time for Christmas!) and it’s going to be a cracker. We’ll have a cooking demonstration set up beside Bicentennial Park (for those of you who saw Antonio Carluccio at the Market a few months ago, the set up will be the same). So head to the Market on 1 November to be a part of our next big milestone.  Copies of the cook book will be available for purchase from launch day.