10 January 2015 – First Market for the Year

10 January 2015 – First Market for the Year

Red Currants from Snowy Mountains Berries.  Grown at Adaminaby.
Red Currants from Snowy Mountains Berries. Grown at Adaminaby.

We hope you all enjoyed your Christmas and New Year break.  The CRFM is back tomorrow and we have all your fresh food needs and wants covered.

  • New stallholder Snowy Mountains Berries    are joining us with their first commercial crop of Red Currants.  They will also have a small quantity of White Currants and Gooseberries.  A great big welcome to Damian and Renai!
  • Tony Romeo, another new stallholder, will be bringing Thompson Seedless Grapes from Griffith.  He will also have a small quantity of Red Seedless Grapes.
  • Figs from Lindfield Park are ready.  It will be a short season until the next crop in April.  You will find Brown Turkey and Black Genoa.

We are on the tail end of the cherry, peach and nectarine season, but those that get in early will find small quantities of quality fruit around.