Market funds assist cyclone affected Vanuatu

Market funds assist cyclone affected Vanuatu

Rotary Club of Hall Rotarians with donations for cyclone affected VanuatuYou probably know that when you spend money at the Market, you’re helping out local and regional farmers and producers. But did you know all profits from Market stallholder fees are fed back into regional communities and other projects chosen by the Rotary Club of Hall?

Rotarian Brian Goldstraw has been collecting items of medical and educational equipment for many years for the Rotary Australia World Community Services (RAWCS). A few weeks back he was assisted by fellow Hall Rotarians Vicki Coleman and Yvonne Robson to coordinate the collection of donated clothes and toys for delivery to the people of Vanuatu following their recent cyclone. All goods are collected, packed into a trailer and driven to Sydney ready to go onto the shipping container and over to Vanuatu. Yet another example of the fine work carried out by the Rotary Club of Hall.