Winter’s not over…get in for these in season winter veg
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Winter’s not over…get in for these in season winter veg

Bunches of multicoloured carrots at the Capital Region Farmers MarketEven though we’d sometimes rather winter be done and dusted, there’s still another month to go and it’s worth getting the best out of the great winter produce in season right now at the Market. Think parsnips, carrots, fennel…and of course the oranges.

Our friends at Mowbray Park Produce from Mowbray, NSW, have a fabulous range of vegies including carrots, leeks and fennel. Kurrawong Organics from Kirkconnell in NSW have loads of fresh vegetables with fennel again being great right now. And Dilliro Vegetables from Thirlmere, NSW, have wonderfully fresh parsnips, oranges and fennel amongst myriad other delicious vegetables.

Come in for your winter vegie fix on your next trip to the Market.