Eat, Drink, Blog a big success for the Market

Eat, Drink, Blog a big success for the Market

CRFM Confernece pack for Eat Drink Blog Conference delegatesThe sixth national conference Eat Drink Blog 6 was held in Canberra on 16-18 October and the event saw 82 local and national food bloggers attend workshops and familiarisations that showcased Canberra’s food and wine scene, provided in-depth seminars with experts in social media and food production, and created networking opportunities between bloggers and those at the forefront of Canberra’s food production and hospitality environments. As part of their weekend, the bloggers visited us for an intro on what the Market sets out to achieve, a cooking demonstration with tasting and a markets tour. So just what did they think about us?

Among some of the blogger’s write ups, we found this one from Flore at The Flo Show who said “The Capital Region Farmers Market of Canberra is a gem. It has products I haven’t seen yet in all the markets I have visited in Sydney such as giant walnuts, lemon myrtle yoghurt, a muesli bar, black garlic, a gigantic choice of mushrooms, even a pet food stall which looked very fancy. The fruits were beautiful and sometimes, which I love and am looking for, more authentically home grown: looking a bit bumpy on the sides if you see what I mean. When you find those, you know that you are buying the real stuff. There was a Belgian crepe (pancake) maker and trained as a French Chef who was selling this Cointreau liver mousse which was absolutely authentic and I’m pretty fussy as it is one of my specialities. At this market, you could buy flowers and potted plants especially for the veggie patch”.

You can see more blog results mentioning our Market at the Eat Drink Blog Testimonials website.

Image credit: Instagram, @cassielaura