What’s in season? Cherries are on the way!

What’s in season? Cherries are on the way!

Freshly picked cherries at the Capital region Farmers MarketWe doubt any fruit heralds the silly season as much as the good old cherry. Red, ripe and juicy, these babies will hit the Market soon.

Not only do these delightful red fruits look, smell and taste amazing as a great addition to your summer fruit bowl, but they also offer a lot in the way of health benefits. Cherries are packed with antioxidants like anthocyanins and cyandin, and can benefit you by reducing inflammation, supporting healthy sleep, providing arthritis pain relief and more.

Some recent wet weather has seen a delay on some fruits, but we should welcome beautifully ripe cherries to Market soon from Drive in Orchards, Hill Lock Orchard, Windellama Organics, and Torry Hill Orchards  who will also have cherry wine, port, jam, juice and canned cherries on offer. Delish!