Pumpkin and Pistachio Ravioli

Pumpkin and Pistachio Ravioli


  • 1 kg hard flour
  • 10 eggs
  • 1 tsp Salt
  • Cold water


  1. Sift flour, forming it into a volcano shaped mound with a well in the centre. Break the eggs into this and add the salt.
  2. Incorporate the eggs into the flour gradually drawing the flour into the eggs until it forms a coarse paste. Add a little more flour or some cold water if necessary. Dough should be soft.
  3. Clean the work surface and knead the dough for about 10 minutes until the consistency is smooth and elastic. Wrap and leave to rest about 30 mins.
  4. Run through a pasta machine into long strips.
  5. Place balls of filling at regular intervals. Cover with another strip of pasta dough; use a cutter to cut into ravioli shape. Press dough together around outside of each ravioli to make sure it is sealed.
  6. Place onto a floured tray, make sure ravioli are not touching. Cover with plastic wrap and either use or freeze for later use.


  • ½ Pumpkin  – cut into wedges, skin on
  • ¼ cup Pistachios – chopped fine
  • 1 large Onion – brunoise
  • Thyme ½ bunch – chopped fine
  • Nutmeg – pinch


  1. Season pumpkin and drizzle with olive oil. Bake in skin until soft. Scrape flesh out.
  2. Sweat onion and thyme together, add pistachios and pumpkin flesh, cook 2 mins, making sure pumpkin is not wet. Add pinch of nutmeg, check seasoning.

Sauce – per serve

  • 50g Butter
  • 4 Sage leaves – chiffonade
  • 1/8 Lemon – squeeze


  1. Cook individual serve of ravioli pasta in salted boiling water. Melt butter in sauté pan, add sage leaves, cook to nut brown. Add a squeeze of lemon juice and raviloli, toss to serve.