20 September 2014 – Sensational Saffron

20 September 2014 – Sensational Saffron

  • We are so excited to have Christine from Windview Saffron joining the CRFM family.  Saffron is a tough corm that is easy to grow but hard to harvest, but Christine does it so well!  When the flower is at a certain size/opening she will get to it before the sun and carefully remove the 3 prong stigma leaving the white pistol attached.  She then dries it and packages it in 100 gm vials.   Saffron Web-2
  • Our 2 resident Dairy Farmers are busy this Spring.  John from Country Valley is busy calving and keeping the pastures short for optimal productivity.
  • Nick & Erica from South Coast Cheese in Central Tilba are also busy.  In spring they calve the bulk of their cows as its the optimum time as there is plenty of grass which means no hand feeding.  Did you know they have a computer operated calf feeding system? Calves get a chip put in their ear that talks to the computer.  The computer will then determine if a particular calf is due for a feed and what amount.
  • Both our dairy farmers offer a great selection of full cream and lower fat milk as well as cheeses.
  • Fancy some Striped Marlin from Narooma Seafood Direct?  Hayley and her family have been involved with the research conducted by the Charles Stuart University, on the growth & lifespan of the Striped Marlin. This involved taking scientists with them on fishing trips as well as collecting growth bones located at the back of the head, measuring & weighing each marlin caught.  They are one of the fasted growing fish in the ocean. The life span of the Striped Marlin is approx. 6 years; reaching 75% of their body length in 2 years & the males reaching maturity between 1-2 years. Females mature between 1 ½ – 2 ½ years.