See what the locals are doing with honey

See what the locals are doing with honey

honeyHoney. That delightfully sticky, yummy golden goodness. Honey is loved by many, especially our regular market goers who visit for their fresh honey fix on a Saturday morning. But did you know many of our local honey producers (the humans not the bees) are also into other interesting honey adventures besides the Farmers Market?

Mitchell Pearce, the 18 year old son of Carmen Pearce-Brown from Honey Delight, is partly responsible for running Canberra Urban Honey, a project which involves placing bee hives on top of Canberra’s buildings including Hotel Realm. Mitchell is Australia’s youngest commercial beekeeper and through the project he aims to re-populate Canberra with honey bees. He manages the hives, micro apiaries placed throughout Canberra, and the hive host gets to enjoy the bees.

Win’s Creek Honey are also proving there’s more to do with honey than just enjoy it on your toast. They create handcrafted mead from their Wins Creek Honey microbrewery located in Murrumbateman. And it’s pretty good! Wins Creek was awarded first place and champion mead at the 2014 Sydney Royal Easter Show. At the Market you can buy these great gift packs which include their traditional honey mead, called Keely Magic, as well as Apple Mead. Catch up on all the buzz with our local honey producers at the Market each week.