This little piggy went to Market

This little piggy went to Market

pigIt’s farrowing time for one of our popular stallholders. What’s ‘farrowing’? Well, put very simply it means there’s little piglets everywhere! Spring is the time when many sows give birth to large litters of little piggies.

And our friends at Boxgum Grazing are in the thick of it right now. Boxgum Grazing is a family owned farming business which operates from Claire and Sam Johnson’s property ‘Windermere’ in Young. The Johnsons produce 100% genuine free range pork, as well as grass fed beef. The pigs at Boxgum are managed so that they contribute to diversity, fertility and soil health, while producing fantastic and nutritious pork. All the sows live on the pasture with access to portable huts bedded with straw so they can build a nest in which to farrow their piglets. The process is a much more natural method for the sows and piglets which are weaned and then moved to woodland areas with lots of shade, shelter and good food when they are six weeks old.  The pork produced by these happy free ranging pigs is great in taste and texture and notably different from pork produced by intensive and less sanitary methods.

Have a chat with the guys from Boxgum Grazing about their piggies on your next visit to the market.