Just when you think we can’t win any more awards…
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  • Just when you think we can’t win any more awards…

Just when you think we can’t win any more awards…

Capital Region Farmers Market Stallholder - Li Sun MushroomsWOW our stallholders are a talented bunch. We’re often hearing about particular stallholders doing very well at local, regional, state and national awards. But this month seems to be particularly busy for award wins.

Regular stallholder Holbrook Paddock Eggs was announced the 2014 Champion Free Range Egg at the Royal Melbourne Fine Food award ceremony late last month. Dish it Up was also most proud with the awards they collected at the Sydney Royal Fine Foods Pasta Show. They won gold for their herb goat cheese gnocchi – one of only two gold medals won in all the pasta entries – as well as a bronze each for plain linguine and fresh grain free pasta. Huntley Berry Farm are “absolutely stoked” to have won three medals at the Sydney Royal Fine Foods Regional Food Competition. They collected a silver medal for their rum and raspberry jam, and a bronze each for their strawberry, balsamic vinegar and pepper jam, and their double red relish (red currants and red onion). It’s also a great time to mention that the most recent edition of the (Sydney) magazine includes Noel Arrold from Li Sun Mushrooms. He was the 2006 inductee in the magazine’s Food Hall of Fame with this latest article once again singing his praises for the cultivation of a huge number and variety of mushrooms at his disused railway tunnels near Mittagong.

Congratulations to all our fabulous stallholders!