Beaut take home pies from Pork Barrel Bakery

Beaut take home pies from Pork Barrel Bakery

Capital Region Farmers Market - Stallholder - Pork Barrel Hot PiesWho doesn’t love a pie? Our friends from Pork Barrel Bakery have the most amazing take home pies for sale at the Market . And we can tell you one thing for sure – the Chicken and Leek Pie is a real winner!

Pork Barrel Bakery use their own livestock for their beef and lamb pies, and purchase organic chicken, duck and quail for those pie varieties. They also have some delicious vegetarian pies on offer too. Pork Barrel Bakery’s pies are all cold pies ready to be bought and heated up in your home oven. Some tasters and samples are on offer at the Market as well. What a quick and easy meal idea with a summer salad!

Pork Barrel Bakery, based in Kingston, also sell a great range of Spanish and German specialty breads and pastries. Seek them out on your next visit, your tastebuds will love you!