What’s in Season?

Capital Region Farmers Market, Seasonal Produce. Red applesAutumn is officially here and with the change in season comes a fresh set of seasonal produce.

For this month we’re stocked with Nashi Pears. The Nashis come from Darby’s Falls just near Cowra with 3600 trees on the banks of the Lachlan River. The fruit is really sweet and juicy and just delish! It’s also peak apple season at the Market with apples coming from Nashdale, Batlow, Michelago and Wallaroo. We’ve also got loads of tomatoes, strawberries and plenty of figs right now as well.

Also worth a look is the corn being grown out of Nashdale. The region is very fertile and bi coloured corn is looking great and super sweet right now. Come on in and stock up your fruit bowls!