18 April 2015 – The Kiwi Fruit & Chestnut Season Has Started
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  • 18 April 2015 – The Kiwi Fruit & Chestnut Season Has Started

18 April 2015 – The Kiwi Fruit & Chestnut Season Has Started

Did you know we have a fair dinkum rice grower amongst our stallholders?  Peter and Jenny Randall are Randall Rice.  They farm at Murrami and have just expanded their range to include rice cakes.  The rice cakes are made fresh on the farm with a special rice cake popping  machine.  They use home grown organic brown koshihikari rice and a small amount of water to make them.  They are completely gluten free and contain no other additives. Crispy, crunchy and flavoursome.Randall Rice Pop Cakes

Persimmons from Wombat are in season.  Hill Lock Orchard have the seedless, non astringent variety called the Fuyu available.

Sue from Karuah Farm has a bumper crop this season of her Heywood Kiwi fruit on offer.  Who knows how long the season will last?  It is weather and customer demand related so don’t miss out.

The horticulture are of the market is looking very colourful with the Sasanqua Cammellia is full bloom.  Onno and Judi grow their stunning plants in  the rolling hills of the Bodalla dairy belt. Chat to Shades of Green Nursery about all your planting needs and wants.

 Yes!  There is a market on Anzac Day.