This muesli is rad

This muesli is rad

RAD Muesli & Yoghurt by Capital Region Farmers Market StallholderReally it is. Rad in name as well as nature. RAD Muesli & Yoghurt is new to the Market and with no sugar load like other supermarket mueslis, you can be assured this all natural muesli tastes great and is good for you too.

Created by Canberra-based nutritionist, Dave Noble, his mueslis and yoghurts are created under his Protia Wholefood brand. Dave creates two kinds of muesli – one fruit free and the RAD original which contains fruit. The mueslis contain all Australian products including macadamias, pistachios, walnuts, almonds, LSA and psyllium husks. All RAD mueslis are made with rolled barley instead of rolled oats, and they are not toasted to avoid the extra sugars created during the toasting process. RAD original is available in 1.2kg or 550g jars which, when you’re finished, you can bring back for a cheaper refill – saving you money and the environment with less packaging.

Dave creates his mueslis from a café at Majura Park in Canberra, together with his yoghurts. Currently he creates lemon myrtle flavoured yoghurt in the thick creamy Greek Style, and he has plans to create a range of Australian bush flavoured pot set yoghurt as well. Now is a good time to visit RAD at the Market, as they also have organic rolled oats for sale which are lovely and creamy making the perfect winter porridge!