Some serious award wins for our fabulous stallholders
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Some serious award wins for our fabulous stallholders

Capital Region Farmers Market Stallholder, Holbrook Paddock Eggs owners with their children and chickensYep! They’re at it again. Our amazingly talented stallholders have recently scooped up more award wins.

In the spotlight this month are Holbrook Paddock Eggs and South Coast Cheese, both winners at the Royal Melbourne Fine Food Awards 2015.

Holbrook Paddock Eggs were awarded a Gold Medal and are very excited to have won gold for two years running for their free range eggs.

South Coast Cheese took our four prizes in the show – Gold for their South Coast cheese Haloumi and their Tilba Real Dairy low fat milk. They also scored a silver for their Tilba Real Dairy full cream milk and Tilba Real Dairy double cream.

Congratulations to you both!