Mince Pies

Mince Pies

Fruit mince
115g dried cranberries
50g dried apple, finely chopped
40g (1/4 cup) dried cherries
75g (1/2 cup) dried pineapple, finely chopped
170g (1 cup) sultanas
200g brown sugar
2 tbsp brandy
Zest 1 orange
80ml fresh orange juice
1 apple grated
1 tsp mixed spice



300g plain flour
70g caster sugar
175g chilled butter, chopped
Pinch salt
1 free range egg, lightly whisked
Milk for brushing

Fruit mince

Put all ingredients in a saucepan, except grated apple and mixed spice.

Stir over low heat for 5 min, or until sugar dissolves.

Stir in grated apple and mixed spice. Set aside to cool completely.


Put flour, sugar and salt into a bowl. Rub in butter until mixture resembles breadcrumbs.

Add egg and bring dough together. Turn onto a clean work surface, and shape into a disc.

Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate for 20 min.

Preheat oven to 180°C.

Roll out pastry on a lightly floured surface until 5mm thick.

Using a round pastry cutter, cut discs from the pastry and line moulds.

Divide the fruit mince among the pastry cases.

Brush case edges with milk, and top with either a disc or a star of pastry.

Brush tops with milk, and make a hole in the top for steam to escape.

Bake for 20 min until golden.

Prepared by:
Ivonne Nathan
Culinary Skills Teacher
Trade Skills and Vocational Learning
Canberra Institute of Technology

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