Homeleigh Grove do it again!

Homeleigh Grove do it again!

3 bottles of award winning olive oil by Capital Region Farmers Market Stallholder, Homeleigh GroveOur long time Market stallholders, Homeleigh Grove, have done it again taking out several gold medals at the Australian National Olive Oil Competition and Sydney Royal Olive Oil competitions – both held last month.

Peter O’Clery from Homeleigh Grove says they are thrilled with this year’s awards which have seen them take out three gold medals for the first time. At the Australian National Olive Oil Competition, they scored gold medals for both their Early Harvest Extra Virgin Olive Oil and their Lemon Myrtle flavoured oil. This competition also saw them score a silver medal for their Wild Lime and Chilli flavoured oil. Just as big is the news that they scored another gold medal, this time for the Lemon Myrtle flavoured oil, at the Sydney Royal Olive Oil Competition. And it was silver-a-plenty with five silver medals awarded for the Early Harvest Extra Virgin Olive Oil, the Homeleigh Grove Extra Virgin Olive Oil, the Wild Lime and Chilli flavoured oil, the Basil and Garlic flavoured oil, and the plain Garlic Oil.

Proof once again that they’re the good oil. Congratulations Peter and Caroline!