What’s in season? Persimmons

What’s in season? Persimmons

Persimmons at Capital Region Farmer's MarketA noticeable change in season has finally come about, meaning there is also noticeable change in Market produce. One of the most underrated Autumn fruits – persimmons – are finally here and ready to be picked up on your next Market shop. Persimmons are right up there with pumpkins and quince when it comes to the best Autumn produce. With a wonderfully sweet taste, they are incredibly versatile, and are the perfect addition to everything from salads to muffins.

Persimmons come in a couple of varieties, fuyus and hachiyas. Fuyus can be used in a similar way to tomatoes and can be put into salads or on the side of a cheese platter for an extra pop of flavour. Hachiyas on the other hand, are much sweeter and can be eaten ripe or put into sweet treats.

Find persimmons from our friends at Hill Lock Orchard, Torry Hills Orchards and Auddino Produce.