Meet the stallholder: Stikkie Bikkie

Meet the stallholder: Stikkie Bikkie

Want to put a face to the business where you get your produce at the Market each week? Or a name to the face of the guy who sells you your fruit and veg? Or simply find out a little more about your food and where it comes from? Then check out our ‘meet the stallholder’ video series on our Market YouTube channel.

This month – meet Henny from Stikkie Bikkie. Henny is a Dutch baker who produces the Netherlands’ most famous biscuits: the Stroopwafel. Yes, it’s a mouthful, so we’ll stick to calling it Stikkie Bikkie (see what we did there?)! In addition to those delicious treats, Henny serves up hot spiced apple cider in the winter and some scrumptious black stikkie rice, made in the traditional Asian way. Make sure to pop by Stikkie Bikkie’s stall and meet Henny on your next trip to the Market.

Find out more about our Market stallholders in our stallholder video series here.