What’s in season? Splendid strawberries!

What’s in season? Splendid strawberries!

Strawberries from Borenore Berry Farm at the Capital Region Farmers Market
Image: Borenore Berry Farm

Strawberries. Splendid, scrumptious, superb and in-season now.

Did you know that aside from its luscious red beauty, the humble strawberry also has many health benefits? In addition to antioxidants and polyphenols, they offer many other vitamins, minerals and nutrients that contribute to your overall health. Strawberries are high in vitamin C, folate, potassium, manganese, dietary fibre and magnesium.

And they have many, many uses. Will it be strawberries in your fruit salad, desserts, breakfasts, smoothies or delicious daiquiri?

Such a summery fruit, and our friends at Borenore Berry Farm have got plenty of fresh new-season strawberries on offer right now. Situated 12 kilometres west of Orange in Borenore, this berry farm is run by David and Kate Dickson who have been selling their berries at the Market for over 12 years. Come in for their fresh strawberries before it’s bye bye berries.