Meet the stallholder: Borenore Berry Farm

Meet the stallholder: Borenore Berry Farm

Want to put a face to the business where you get your produce at the Market each week? Or a name to the face of the guy who sells you your fruit and veg? Or simply find out a little more about your food and where it comes from? Then check out our ‘meet the stallholder’ video series on our Market YouTube channel. This month –  meet Dave from Borenore Berry Farm. Dave has been coming to the Farmers Market each Saturday since 2005 from his farm in Borenore, 12 kilometres west of Orange, NSW. The Farm produces strawberries, blackberries, raspberries and blueberries. Strawberries are available from November to May each year, with the other berries being seasonal at different times of the year. Dave says all varieties are popular and they often receive feedback about the high quality of the fruit. You can meet Dave and take home some of these delicious berries from the Market each week.