Meet the stallholder: Bruce from Mad Cocky Muffins
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Meet the stallholder: Bruce from Mad Cocky Muffins

Want to put a face to the business where you get your produce at the Market each week? Or a name to the face of the guy who sells you your fruit and veg? Or simply find out a little more about your food and where it comes from? Then check out our ‘meet the stallholder’ video series on our Market YouTube channel.

This month –  meet Bruce from Mad Cocky Muffins. Bruce says his son bakes all their fresh muffins onsite at their bakery in Mitchell ACT. He bakes most days of the week creating around 28 muffin flavours. They showcase six varieties at a time each week at the Market so are always mixing it up. He says the most popular variety is apple cinnamon custard, closely followed by the white chocolate. Stop in and say hi to Bruce and grab your morning muffin when you next visit the Market.

Find out more about our Market stallholders in our stallholder video series here.