Support for your local and regional drought-affected farmers
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Support for your local and regional drought-affected farmers

Did you know that by shopping at the Market you are supporting local and regional farmers affected by drought? Throughout August, the Rotary Club of Hall collected donations direct from the public to assist with drought relief. Through collection buckets onsite, you have helped us directly raise over $6000 for drought relief efforts – so we thank you! We are thrilled with the generosity to date. The money raised will go directly to farming families, particularly from within our Market’s stallholder catchment, in need due to the impact of the current drought. In addition, Rotary is also tipping in significant dollars to assist with the relief efforts. Identification of those in need is being handled by the Rural Financial Counselling Service, and all monies are going directly to those who need it. And remember, each and every time you shop at the Market you are helping our farmers by continuing to buy what produce they do have available. Find out more about Produce with Purpose and other community projects the Market helps fund via Rotary.