Nic and Erica Dibden from Tilba Real Dairy

Nic and Erica Dibden from Tilba Real Dairy

Nic and Erica Dibden from Tilba Real Dairy are usually getting stuck into milking Jersey cows and making milkshakes. Really really good milkshakes. But this year has definitely been a big shake up of a different kind. 

The summer bushfires saw fires rage around their dairy farm in the stunning Tilba Tilba Valley, and it was a very difficult start to 2020. During the fires they watched as their beloved Tilba region struggled under the strain – the constant threat of fires, and the loss of all avenues to sell their dairy products due to road and business closures. Not to mention the loss of tourism into the area during peak holiday season – those that come for the aforementioned milkshakes and more – now unable to make the trip. Then Covid-19 and its associated restrictions struck. More tough times. 

But the pair have learnt a lot over the years having been involved in farming and agriculture for the past twenty years, and they have persevered to make and share their products with those on the South Coast of NSW and surrounds.  

Thankfully, things are starting to look up and the pair are back at Market with their range of dairy goods including the creamiest milk, yoghurt, cheese and of course those milkshakes! Tilba Real Dairy is 100% Australian owned and operated by Nic and Erica. We wish them every success for the remainder of 2020 and beyond.