Ethically produced meat from The Little Farm That Could
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Ethically produced meat from The Little Farm That Could

Most people know of the children’s story, The Little Engine that Could. If you’re not familiar with it, it’s a story about the value of optimism and hard work. Lauren Bywater says they came up with their business name –  The Little Farm that Could –  and even though it wasn’t drawn from the story, the parallels are very clear.

In this year of 2020, optimism and hard work have been needed now perhaps more than ever, and Lauren says a positive attitude, loads of hard work and persistence in the face of adversity is what has seen her and husband Ryan start to succeed in their farming business. The pair moved to their 200-acre property in Cowra in NSW in 2017, with the idea of creating a grass fed and finished farm for meat production. And now that the drought has finally broken, this kind of ethical production farming is possible once again.

The Little Farm That Could produces goat meat, lamb and F1 Wagyu (first cross) which they now bring to Market each Saturday.

Pop in and say hello to Lauren and Ryan to find out more about ethical production farming, they’re also taking pre-orders for Christmas lambs in the coming weeks.