

Seafood Basket

Recipe by Brendon and Gerard from the Fish Shack


  • 180-200 g of fresh white fish (skin on or off bone out)
  • 1 whole soft shell crab (cleaned and cut into 4 pieces)
  • 1 whole Squid tube (clean and cut for tenderisation)
  • 2-4 local prawns (clean and de vain prawns)

Crumb mix:

  • Corse crumbs, lemon zest, parsley , salt and pepper to taste
  • 1 egg and 200 ml milk (egg wash)
  • 50g plain flour (dust fish) before crumbing

Beer batter:

  • 250ml beer of choice
  • 100ml Soda water
  • 1 egg white
  • Add plain flour till you have the right consistence for battering.

Seafood spice mix:

Cardamom pods, star anise, cinnamon, caraway seed, clove, peppers and dry chilli, sweet paprika and sea salts. (ground and mixed for seasoning cooked seafood’s). Amounts depend on age and stage of herbs and spice Eg: fresh or dried.


– Cleaned seafood is dusted in flours before dipped in batters, pre crumbed seafood ready, dust squid in rice flour before cooking in oil at 190°C.
– When cooking starting with fish and prawns first as it needs more time to cook, after 2min adding crab and squid and cooking for 2 more min.
– Remove from oil and place on paper before serving.