Have you heard of Black Garlic?

Have you heard of Black Garlic?

MushroomJohn from Ingelara Garlic describes its flavour as a wonderful fusion similar to a combination of molasses, balsamic vinegar and liquorice. And Ingelara are one of only two producers of it in Australia.
Sound interesting? It is a highly sought after gourmet product, especially by top chefs, so it must be. Ingelara’s black garlic, known as Bredbo Black, is produced using organically grown hard necked garlic. There is nothing added to the garlic. It is “fermented” under strictly controlled conditions including temperature, humidity and time. The result is such that the individual garlic cloves change to a black colour – a little like a black jelly bean in appearance and texture. The garlic is highly sort after by executive chefs, who use it in various ways depending upon the recipe at the time. It could be included in a slow roasted shoulder of lamb, a sauce served over goat, or it could be individually appreciated with some cheese on a savoury biscuit.Because it is a stabilised fermented product in its own right with nothing added, it is available all year round provided stocks last. Something different to look out for on your next trip to the market!