23 May 2015 – Sweet Tastes at the CRFM

23 May 2015 – Sweet Tastes at the CRFM

Brand spanking new stallholder Cobrgo Home Made Ice Cream are attending their first market at the CRFM.  Their ice creams are a seasonal delight.  Flavours for Saturday include finger lime, coconut & honey, local hazelnut & toffee, local passionfruit and rum & raison.  Jane and Alfred will be attending on the 2nd & 4th Saturday of the month.

Another newby is the Junee Licorice & Chocolate Factory.  Neil and Coral will be with us on the 4th Saturday of each month and can be found nestled between Gum Tree Pies and Treetops at site 184.  What can be better than certified ORGANIC licorice and chocolate?  Their product range showcases both black and raspberry licorice, organic chocolate coated morsels including nuts, ginger, coffee beans, sultanas and freeze dried strawberries.

If you are a Daikon radish fan, then Wei Rong Guo have you covered.  They are the only grower of this radish within the CRFM.  They farm their Asian vegetables at Mount Fairy just outside Bungendore.  It’s great pickled, in salads and made into chips, similar to kale chips.

Diana from Dissegna Premium Produce is loaded up with her tasty Crab Apple Jelly.  The apples themselves are bitter to eat, but once cooked they transform into something wonderful.

Dissegna are also the only stallholder to offer sultanas.  It is a labour of love to produce them as the grapes are hand picked, ensuring the stem is removed and then they are sun dried on a drying rack.  Perfect for snacking on or for making fruit cakes and baked treats.

Mandarins are in season from Griffith.  You can find a seedless variety at stall site 174.