What’s in Season?

Capital Region Farmers Market Stallholder, Alpine Nuts with fresh walnutsThe cooler weather is well and truly upon us. And right now at the Market you can get fresh walnuts from Alpine Nuts. These walnuts are grown in North East Victoria, in the Bright region and are the freshest tasting nuts due to their sustainable farming practices.

Now’s a great time to be cooking up some potatoes and right now you can get organic spuds from Naturally Grown Potatoes in Crookwell. They have Dutch Cream, Sebago, Pontiac, Rideau, Charlotte, Tassie Pink Eye and more varieties available.

On the fruit front, Auddino’s Produce at Leeton have now got Tahitian Limes available, and there’s also lovely fresh broccoli from Deua River Farm Produce.

And stay tuned at the Market, in a few weeks’ time we’ll also have new season Navel oranges and mandarins, also from Auddino’s Produce in Leeton.