Local olive oil gives the Italians a run for their money
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Local olive oil gives the Italians a run for their money

Capital Region Farmers Market Stallholder, Homeleigh GroveMarket regulars Homeleigh Grove have given the Italians a run for their money in the olive oil stakes recently scoring a 2nd Classified rating for their Lowanna’s Paddock Oil at the Armonia Extra Virgin Olive Oil competition held in Rome in May.  They entered the awards after receiving a 1st Classified for the oil in a Southern Hemisphere international competition held late last year. The top oils from that competition then went on to the Armonia competition in Rome. The top 45 oils in the competition included entries from Italy, Spain, Portugal, Israel, Chile, Australia and New Zealand, and Lowanna’s Paddock was the only non-Italian oil, and also the only Australian oil, to make it into the classifications.

Homeleigh describe this oil as being a spicier medium to robust oil which reflects the character of the original ‘Lowanna’ – a pony who lived most of her very active 35 year life at Homeleigh, retiring to a paddock in which the owners first planted olives. A huge congratulations to Homeleigh Grove!