04 July 2015

What’s happening at your market this week???

CRFM stallholder Stall wins international trophy……

Peter & Caroline O’Clery, Homeleigh Grove, receiving their the Armonia Trophy from the competition organisers. Presentation occurred in Sydney rather than Rome where the results were announced at a presentation ceremony in late-May in the UNICEF Auditorium!  Homeleigh Grove‘s Lowanna’s Paddock Extra Virgin Olive oil was the only non-Italian olive oil to take out a trophy in this international competition.  Indeed, this is the first time an Australian oil has taken a trophy in the competition and was awarded from a field of 370 olive oils entered from across the globe.Award Winners

Li-Sun Exotic Mushrooms – Are being featured on Channel 10’s The Living Room on Friday 10 July and Spanish chef Manuel will be cooking a mushroom risotto in the Tunnel…be sure to watch!!

Noel from Li SunLi Sun Mushrooms






Returning Stallholders – Andrew & Belinda Burnet of Burnbar Fruit will be joining us this week with their Custard Apples and Avocados look for them on site No 127.