05 September 2015

05 September 2015

IWhip Cracker and chilliest’s Fathers Day, come to the Market for some delicious gift ideas….

How about some Beef Jerky, a great protein snack, made with all Australian product and available from Stockman Sticks dare you to buy him the Whip Cracker!!

If that’s not his thing how about a new tree for the garden, plenty available in all shapes and sizes from Cascades Nursery, or River Road Nursery .

Maybe he has a sweet tooth?? Why not treat him to a petite gateau…too good to resist and available from Patty’s Patisserie

Pattys Patisserie-petit gateauPerhaps he would prefer some beautiful award winning cheese to go with his red wine available from Boosey Creek Cheese and South Coast Cheese.

Either way, if you’re gift hunting or not just come anyway and enjoy meandering around to see what’s fresh this week!!