River Road Nursery bag some awards at the Canberra Show
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  • River Road Nursery bag some awards at the Canberra Show

River Road Nursery bag some awards at the Canberra Show

Award winning roes from Capital Region Farmers Market stallholder, River Road NurseryOur friends at River Road Nursery were busy over the last weekend in February at the annual Canberra Show where they won several awards.

Grower, Peter, bagged a first and second prize in the produce section, for their large eggplant and dwarf type eggplant respectively. They remained popular over the weekend also winning two first prizes and two second prizes for their roses.  Firsts were awarded for the most fragrant rose and three different roses, and second prizes were awarded for bunch of roses three stems same variety, and three roses different. Peter is very proud of his award wins, as are we.

This popular grower raises roses, azaleas, potted colour, chrysanthemums, fruit trees, shrubs and an assortment of fruit and vegetables, with all plants grown in Canberra and coming to the Market direct from the grower.