Some vegie inspiration for the winter months

Some vegie inspiration for the winter months

Instagrammer @isabella_and_george

Yup, winter is upon us. Time to cast off the salads and head for the hearty casseroles, steaming soups and flavourful roast veg. And the Market has the best and freshest winter vegies just waiting to be the stars of your next warming winter meal. The seasonal veg at this time of year is many and varied, with our quality producers bringing their best each week. Over the winter months you’ll find Brussels Sprouts, cabbages, carrots, celery, parsnips, potatoes, pumpkins, spinach and more. And what’s a warming winter soup without swedes and turnips – you’ll find them all at the Market, as well as all your herbs to season up your meals.

Deua River Farm Produce from Moruya on the NSW South Coast will have pumpkins, broccoli, peas, cauliflower; Windellama Organics from Wildellama in NSW has tomatoes, beans, pumpkin, turnips and swedes in Market;  Kurrawong Organics from Kirkconnell has organic cabbages in many varieties, Brussels sprouts, leeks and more. You won’t be short on choice of the freshest winter veg – and for some winter recipe inspiration watch our cooking demonstrations on the first Saturday of the month, see our Cauliflower Soup recipe or buy your own copy of the Market’s very own recipe book from the Rotary Desk onsite.