Awards galore! For our cheeses, mushrooms, lamb and truffles
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Awards galore! For our cheeses, mushrooms, lamb and truffles

Award winning Capital Region Farmers Market stallhodler, South Coast CheeseWhat a month for awards! One of our much-loved cheese producers, the family owned and run South Coast Cheese, has done it again, scooping up three awards at the recent Melbourne Fine Food Awards with a gold for their Tilba Real dairy Full Cream Milk, and another for their Tilba Real Dairy 3 Udders Brie. They also scored a silver for their Tilba Real Dairy Mountain Ash.

Truffle producers, La Truffiere, have won gold at the 2016 Australian Food Awards for their black truffle butter. Back onto cheese, and Victorian cheese makers Boosey Creek Cheese, loved for their range of camemberts, blues, cheddar, gouda and fetta, have just picked up some awards at the Melbourne Fine Food Awards. They scored a gold for their Oma’s favourite, silvers for their Warby Red, Burramine Blue Cheese and Boosey Blue, and two bronzes – one for their Boosey Soft, and one for their Opa’s choice.

Moorlands Biodynamic Lamb were selected as a State Winner in the 2016 delicious. Produce Awards, and will now progress to the national judging phase.

Down in Hobart, Gary and Michele from Shoalhaven Mushrooms on the NSW South Coast were very pleased with their awards at the Hobart Fine Food Awards. They won gold in the Whites, Swiss Browns, White Flats and Portabellos categories. Congratulations to all!