12 November 2016

…Counting down to Christmas, only 6 more Saturday markets plus the Twilight market on Thursday 22 December from 3.00 – 7.00 pm to go!!

Make sure you pre-order your ham Formici Smallgoods, pork Boxgum Grazing and seafood from any of our regular suppliers.

Love the smell of a real Xmas tree –  available from 26 November St Nicholas Xmas Trees

Summer must be around the corner, berries are back this week Borenore Berry Farm and cherries are ripening on the trees as we speak Torry Hills Orchard; peaches and nectarines will be available in the next week or so Harrison & Sons

Freshly picked cherries at the Capital region Farmers Market Fresh local strawberries at the Capital Region Farmers Market StNicholasChristmasTrees-web