Market fish fillet with crushed potato, grilled shallot, smoked bacon, lemon, baby capers
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  • Market fish fillet with crushed potato, grilled shallot, smoked bacon, lemon, baby capers

Market fish fillet with crushed potato, grilled shallot, smoked bacon, lemon, baby capers

Market fish fillet with crushed potato, grilled shallot, smoked bacon, lemon, baby capers – Serves 4

 4 fish fillets around 110g each

500g chat potato cooked until tender

100g smoked bacon diced and sauté lightly

1 eschallot diced

2 cloves of garlic

1Tb mixed herbs Parsley, chives, shallots

Kewpie to bind all together

4 shallots

100g unsalted butter

10g baby capers

1 lemon segmented and juiced


  • Mix cut potato, sautéed bacon, eschallot and garlic together and bind with kewpie, check seasoning and fold through herbs
  • Set aside ready to serve
  • Cook fish skin side down over moderate heat as not to burn the fish,
  • Keep close eye on the skin should be nice and golden
  • Add butter and turn fish over
  • Place potato onto service plates and place fish on top
  • Place lemon and capers into frypan with the remaining butter and check seasoning
  • Place sauce onto fish and serve


Prepared by:
Ivonne Nathan
Culinary Skills Teacher
Trade Skills and Vocational Learning
Canberra Institute of Technology

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