Potato & Cauliflower Curry

Potato & Cauliflower Curry

Potato and Cauliflower Curry:


2 Large Potatoes diced
½ Head of Cauliflower
1 Carrot diced
1 Cup of frozen peas
1 large onion diced
2 Cloves of Garlic grated
1 medium piece of ginger grated
Oil or Ghee
½ Bunch of coriander
2 Green Chillies Deseeded
2 Tomatoes diced

For the whole spice mix:

3 Cloves
3 Green Cardamoms
1 Black Cardamom
1 cinnamon Quill
2 Tsp. Cumin Seeds
1 Tsp. Coriander Seeds
1 Bay Leaf
1 Small piece of Mace (optional)

For the ground spice Mix:

1 Tsp. Cumin Powder
1 Tsp. Coriander Powder
1 Tsp. Chilli Powder
2 Tsp. Garam Masala
½ Tsp. Black Pepper
1 Tsp. Amchur Powder (Dry Mango Powder)
1 Tsp. Turmeric
1 Tsp. Dry Fenugreek Leaves
1 Tsp. Sugar
Salt to taste

For the Chapati Bread:

500 Grams Self Raising Flour
Water to Mix

Method for the Chapati:

Start by mixing your flour with the water until you get a even dough that is slightly sticky to the touch knead, cover and leave for two hours. After dough has risen take roll into individual dough balls, cover and wait another half hour for it to rise again. Flour your bench and flatten the dough balls with the palm of your hand. With a rolling pin roll into a circle shape, pick up and pass from palm to palm to get off excess flour and to stretch thin at the same time. Preheat oven to as high as it will go preferably 300 degrees and place on a flat baking tray and put it in the oven closest to the heating element. It should puff and cook in about 20-30 seconds.

Method for the Vegetable Curry:

Heat up ghee or oil in a heavy pot on medium heat and place onion, fresh chilli, garlic, ginger and whole spice mix and cook until onions are translucent then add potatoes and continue to fry until potatoes are golden add tomatoes and powdered spices and carrots and turn down the heat. Continue to periodically stir until the tomatoes have made a sauce. Keep topping up with water until potatoes are cooked through then add cauliflower and cook for a further 5 minutes. Add the peas coriander and season, adjust if necessary. Serve hot with your Chapati.

Prepared by:
Ivonne Nathan
Culinary Skills Teacher
Trade Skills and Vocational Learning
Canberra Institute of Technology

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