Straws Suck! Market moves to reduce single-use plastics
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Straws Suck! Market moves to reduce single-use plastics

Reusable bags at the Capital Region Farmers Market in Canberra

Yes, they do. Straws really suck. Have you ever thought about the environmental impact each time you use a straw? It’s not pretty. And the Market is taking steps to reduce the use of straws along with other single-use plastic bags. Thankfully, there are only two stallholders currently using straws at the Market, and they’re on board with the ACTSmart campaign Straws suck which aims to help rid Canberra cafes and bars of plastic straws. Auddino’s Produce will move away from plastic straws by offering recyclable paper straws and encouraging customers to sip before they suck their slushies.  Julie’s Juices have been drastically reducing the use of straws by asking each customer if they really need one as a way to get customers to think about the issue. Both businesses, together with the Market itself, have pledged to reduce plastic straws via the Straws Suck campaign.  And the Market will now require all new Market applicants to use paper straws only, along with only bio-degradable cutlery and plates.  When it comes to single-use plastic bags, the Market is encouraging customers to use alternatives such as the re-useable mesh produce bags which are available at five for $15 at the Rotary Club of Jerrabomberra marquee located by the office at the Market. Customers can also buy reusable Capital Region Farmers Market bags for $2 each at the Rotary Help Desk, AND if your bags break beyond repair, the Market will replace them for FREE. Win Win. Stay tuned as we will soon be conducting a survey to get a feel for how our customers use plastics.