Our mission to make it easy to be green

Our mission to make it easy to be green

Mesh bags from Tulgeen at the Capital Region Farmers Market

Plastic bags are a hot topic right now. So much so, that we’re doing all that we can to reduce the use of them at the Market. We’re on a mission to make our Market-goers green-savvy by taking steps to provide useful alternatives.

One of the ways you can reduce the use of plastic bags is by getting your hands on some reusable mesh produce bags from Tulgeen. The response to these handy bags has been extremely positive so far – we even sold out a few weeks back! Luckily, we have ordered lots more and the mesh bags can be purchased at five for $15 from the Rotary information desk.

We’ve also been providing our stallholders with paper bags for produce for customers. We hope that this is another way we can reduce the use of plastic around the Market.

Help us on our mission to be green, and let’s prove that it actually is quite easy!

Image: Tulgeen