Meet the stallholder: Nora from Botanical Nora

Meet the stallholder: Nora from Botanical Nora

Want to put a face to the business where you get your produce at the Market each week? Or a name to the face of the guy who sells you your fruit and veg? Or simply find out a little more about your food and where it comes from? Then check out our ‘meet the stallholder’ video series on our Market YouTube channel.

This month – meet Nora from Botanical Nora. Nora has been growing and specialising in succulents and cacti for years and knows a thing or two about tending to these types of plants. All her plants are grown in her garden in Ngunnawal, and are available at the Market 2 to 3 times a month.

Nora grows and sells a large variety of plants. Some of her best sellers include: echeveria, crassula, gaptoveria, sedum, agave, and aloe.

Next time you’re at the Market, make sure to swing past Botanical Nora to pick up a new addition to your home or garden, just in time for spring gardening.

Find out more about our Market stallholders in our stallholder video series here.