Thank you from our Market Manager and welcome to 2021
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Thank you from our Market Manager and welcome to 2021

Dear Market supporters,

All of us at the Capital Region Farmers Market would like to sincerely express a heartfelt thank you to our shoppers and supporters who visited the Market in what was our most tumultuous year in our 16 years of operation.

We began the year with severe drought and unprecedented bushfires experienced by many of our stallholders. You came through for us and generously gave to our Bushfire Assistance Fund which saw us raise over $30,000 to give to those who experienced loss and damage during the summer fires. All up, including donations from Rotary Club of Hall of up to $75,000, over $100,000 was given back to our stallholders to help them regroup and rebuild.

Then of course, there was the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. This certainly brought upon us a great challenge as we continued to stay open as an essential service so that Canberra could access healthy and local produce during the time that they needed it most. And of course, so that our farmers and producers could continue to grow and sell to support their families and communities.

The Market will continue to stay on top of all changes required to keep us safe throughout the pandemic. As we enter the New Year, we have border restrictions with NSW in place which poses a challenge for our vegetable growers in the Wollondilly Shire. Following all ACT Health policies, our impacted stallholders will be able to transport their produce to the Market, however we will not see their familiar faces at the Market until the restrictions are lifted. Find out more about our COVID-19 policies here and you can find out which stallholders will be attending each week here.

We cannot thank all our shoppers and the greater Market community enough for the spirit in which you came out each and every Saturday to shop with our stallholders. Thank you for taking on the changes made to keep you and our farmers safe as we continue to navigate through this time.

We could not have continued through 2020 without your support. On behalf of Rotary Club of Hall, our farmers, our makers, our producers – thank you.

Now onto more exciting times… we are back!

We’re back with our stallholders, a range of fresh and healthy summer fruit and vegetables, plus all the goodies you’ve come to know and love over the years. We will be back bright and early for what we hope will be a less challenging year for us – see you Saturday 9th January 7am until 11:30am, as we start afresh in 2021.

Let’s go!

Sarah Power

Market Manager

Capital Region Farmers Market