March Stallholder News

March Stallholder News

New at the Market this week, Erika from pyoor.viand creates, bakes, and cooks healthy sweet and savoury foods that are either paleo, gluten free, vegan, and keto – or sometimes all at once! Their products include healthy baked and fried cakes, slices, muffins, doughnuts, and savoury scones and slices.

Erika says she prefers markets to selling her products online because of the personal contact, having conversions and exchanging information with customers.

“I get a lot of inspiration from the customers and learn a lot about different allergies, sensitivities and dietary requirements and try to cater to them, if possible,” Erika said. “My favourite products are the zucchini slice made with spices, red onion, and of course zucchini, all cooked in a chickpea batter; and the upside-down plum cake I make with a fragrant cinnamon and vanilla flavour, loaded with pecans, plums, and gooey melted coconut flower sugar on top!”

This weekend we have Mick Curtis Bananas joining us from the Tweed, bringing his delightfully tasty Lady Finger and Red Dacca bananas.

We also welcome back BK Kraut who will be selling their delicious sauerkraut by weight, which means less plastic and more kraut! Simply bring in any clean container (preferably dishwashed) to be filled, and receive a 10% discount off the regular price. Pay-by-weight kraut choices include Kimchi-style, red beetroot, and dill pickle.

Formichi Smallgoods will be returning to Market on 12th March 2022 – we look forward to welcoming the boys back with their smallgoods that are made by hand utilising the recipes handed down through the generations all the way from Tuscany, Italy!

Meze Fresh Mediterranean Cuisine will be back after his extended break and he has been cooking up a storm! Randall Organic Rice and Oats will also return on March 5 for their monthly stall.

This fortnight we will also have The Gut Shoppe, Cascades Nursery and Warren’s Fresh Seafood. Yass River Trees will be returning on 12th and 26th March.

Find out which stallholder will be attending this week on our This Week at the Market page.