April Stallholder News

April Stallholder News

Update on our ATM

Unfortunately, from 23rd April 2022 there will no longer be a mobile ATM provider onsite at the Market. The majority of our stalls do have card facilities, however if you like to use cash at the Market, we encourage you to bring cash with you. We are currently exploring options for this service to still be provided, however there may be some upcoming Saturdays with no ATM facilities.  

Returning and New Stallholders

Scott Baron from Bonza Apples has returned with his heritage apples from Tumut.

Terry from Featherdale Chestnuts will be returning for the season with a bumber crop of chestnuts!

Stone Dog Meadery will be attending this Saturday 9th April, and it will also be the fortnight for Formichi Smallgoods’ return.

New stallholder Erika from pyoor.viand creates a range of healthy baked and fried cakes, slices, muffins, doughnuts and savoury scones and slices that are gluten-free (made from certified gluten-free products), processed sugar and cane sugar-free (using exclusively coconut flower sugar, maple syrup, erythritol and stevia), mainly vegan, some paleo, others keto. It is a niche business as it is rare to find foods that are gluten-free, sugar-free and vegan all at the same time. It’s also suitable for celiac, diabetic and people on some special diets such as paleo and keto.