Producer in Focus – Nonna Maria’s Pasta

Producer in Focus – Nonna Maria’s Pasta

Pasta is more than just food. It’s a culinary sensation. From the sound of twirling spaghetti, to the aroma of freshly grated parmesan cheese, there’s something magical about this beloved dish. Whether you’re slurping up linguine or diving into a hearty bowl of rigatoni, it’s easy to see why pasta has captured hearts (and stomachs) all over the world. This humble dish has transcended cultures and cuisines, evolving into countless variations that offer something for everyone. And there’s no one that loves pasta more than our producer in focus, Nonna Maria’s Pasta.

Nonna Maria’s Pasta is a small family-owned and operated business providing Canberra with the most delicious traditional homemade Italian pasta and sauces. Business owner, Salvatore Costanzo, immigrated to Australia in the mid-80s after growing up in the Italian village of San Luca in the Reggio Calabria region. He now runs the business with his wife and three children.

Sal has a true love for Italian cooking and experimentation, and if you see Nonna Maria’s Pasta at Market, you will always find an intriguing rainbow of pasta to choose from. The beauty of handmade pasta is there are many avenues for creative expression, and Sal likes to use vegetables from other stallholders at Market to create the vibrant colours seen in his pastas. Pasta flavours Sal has created include roast capsicum, spinach, parsley and garlic, and cracked pepper. Plus, all his products are free from preservatives and additives!

Nonna Maria’s Pasta products are perfect for those who are seeking a homecooked meal but may be time-poor or unable to cook for themselves. You can order ahead on their website and pick up your ordered products at their stall at the upcoming Market, so you can guarantee that you go home with your favourite products.

If you would like to find out more about Nonna Maria’s Pasta, visit them at Market to try out some of their delicious Italian products.