Stallholders rack up more award wins

Stallholders rack up more award wins

Capital Region Farmers Market Stallholder, Country Valley MilkNews just in. Our stallholders are award-winning. Well, that’s nothing new. But this recent batch of awards proves once again just how awesome they are at what they do. The Sydney Royal Cheese & Dairy Produce Show winners have just been announced with several of our stallholders scoring well.

Small Cow Farm won a gold medal for their Camembert and Fettice (feta), as well as a silver medal for their Brie and Redella. Country Valley proved to be a star performer yet again picking up the award for Champion Milk for the fourth time in the last nine years. A huge congratulations to the Country Valley families in Nowra and Moss Vale who produce this milk. South Coast Cheese scored for three products, winning a gold for their Persian Fetta, a silver for their full cream milk and another silver for their 3 Udders Brie.

A little closer to home, The Royal Canberra Show was held last month and Claron Park won a silver for their Piccalilli, bronzes for their Kasundi, Jalapeno Syrup and their Blueberry and Bush Lemon Jam. They also received a highly commended for their Chipotle. A very hearty congrats to all our award winners!